2025 Volunteer of the Year Award Submission


Purpose and Background

The annual Volunteer of the Year Award honors a current member of the PWC Chapter of CT who has demonstrated a commitment to the Chapter and the field of marketing professional services in the A/E/C industry through involvement in and contributions to the Chapter.


Candidates are encouraged to self-nominate or be nominated by another party. To be eligible, candidates must meet the following criteria:

Current chapter member

Sustained involvement in the PWC Chapter of CT

Judging Criteria

Candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Participation in a CT Chapter committee (excludes current Executive Committee)

Outstanding contributions to a committee, program or other chapter initiative

involvement on a particular project during the previous calendar year, or a body of work over the previous two years

Submittal Materials and Format

1. Completed Application Form

2. Reference letter from someone other than candidate, not to exceed one page (only required if self-nominating)

3. Description of Achievement summary

Electronic PDF format, no hard copies Submission  

Instructions / Information

Please note that the application must be completed in its entirety. Submissions are due by January 10, 2025.

Questions?  awards@pwc-ct.org

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Please say Yes or No if they are a member

If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please provide the following:

Please say Yes or No if they are a member

Description of Achievement

20MB max